Cloud Migrations and Implementations
Increase scale, security, reliability and availability while drastically decreasing capital investment.

Ready or not: cloud computing is revolutionizing the way organizations of all sizes conduct business. Cloud computing based on Amazon's AWS and managed by International Computing frees your organization from the reactive inertia of operating systems, hardware, and data centers. Migrating to the AWS Cloud is an effective way to lower both capital and operational expenses while improving process efficiencies and competitive advantage. At International Computing, we have deep expertise in step-by-step cloud migration, so you can focus on your business rather than micromanaging your IT-allowing you to reduce your budgetary, governance, and operational pressures.

Cloud computing allows for instantaneous scaling to handle peaks and valleys in throughput and storage demand, enabling you to purchase only as much computing power as you need. This makes the previous paradigm of purchasing excess capital IT infrastructure for what-if scenarios and in anticipation of future demand obsolete. A retailer might need extra computing horsepower for Black Friday and the holiday shopping season, and then see comparatively little traffic later in the ski season, while a resort might then experience high traffic on their website, reservation, and hospitality systems. Before cloud computing, these operators would have to design their IT infrastructure around these peaks, with extra headroom built in for potential growth.

Cloud computing is also green computing-no more server or complex internetworking hardware to power, maintain, cool, insure, or recycle. For many companies, green IT can significantly reduce electrical, cooling, personnel, and real estate costs.

Staring At
Fixed Bid Consulting Rates

Current Pipeline
2 Weeks

Typical Implementation
Long Term

May require AWS Approvals

AWS Availability Zones

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